You know I might just have found my motivation to blog again :)
This week the nominations for head student happened and now we have to write a letter and all that, and on how nerdy it sounds, I'm actually enjoying it.. I genuinely don't mind whether I get through because most of my friends are doing it as well so we're all pretty relaxed about it.
Also got my work experience placemeeeent, wooo at a media company who do a variety of advertising which I was genuinely interested in :) That's in July though so not for a while yet.
Meh exams too..
Oh my laptop had a near death experience earlier on, wasn't my fault, it just suddenly freaked out and I was saying 'Chill the fuck out dude' but no it went into.. like a fit and died.. again.
Would you like to see how I looked when this all happened?
(I was trying to record a video at the time), here are the stills hahaha.
So yeah was showing this bow thing I found... |
then BAM laptop goes ape.. |
this was my state until it revived 40 minutes later. |
Conclusion? I should probably try and fix the poor two year old thing.